
We’ve had a huge shift to home working in the past year which has made people need and want a bigger home. Home schooling has also put enormous strain on living space. Staying at home is much harder if you don’t have any useable outside space. Hands up if you’ve had a baby perhaps, or if you’ve noticed children outgrowing their rooms and asking for a gaming room! We’ve found that this is indeed a good time to be offering bespoke garden pods, which can be very efficiently used as workspaces.

All of the reasons above have made our sector vibrant at the moment. Add in the increase of the LBTT threshold, plus investment into the First Home Fund by the Scottish Government which has also helped. It’s a good time now to move if you can! 

There has certainly been pent up demand due to the two major lockdowns we have unfortunately had to experience. People have re-evaluated their priorities when it comes to their homes, and thought long and hard about what they really want. With less foreign holidays on the cards this year, this “optimum time to invest in the home” may well continue into next year.

Most housebuilders, ourselves included, saw busier than normal activity over what would usually have been the quieter summer period last year.  

2020 was definitely a strange and challenging time, but the upside of a property boom on the back of this does have an economic benefit, greatly needed at this time. Furniture shops, gardeners, decorators, those that make curtains and blinds all want people to keep buying property! Demand is still filtering through into sales levels for 2021, as we have seen very strong sales from plan at No 1 Old Bellsdyke Road.

Hats off to Site Managers and skilled tradesmen everywhere who have had to construct properties at this challenging time. It’s been a new way of working for them, staying safe as they adhere to social distancing – something that has never been done before on construction sites.

Chris Morris